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January 5, 2016

Meaningful Use Stage 2 Objectives for 2015 and 2016| Practice Fusion

CMS has amended Meaningful Use Stage 2 for the 2015 reporting period and beyond. Practices that are reporting for Stage 2 in 2015 will now report on the reduced Stage 2 objectives based on the new CMS requirements.

See also:

Meaningful Use: Stage 1 is now Modified Stage 2

Meaningful Use: 6 things you need to know about the CMS Final Rule changes

Stage 2 Measure in 2014 Stage 2 Objective in 2015, 2016 and 2017

Core 1: CPOE for Medication, Lab, Radiology Orders

Use computerized physician order entry (CPOE) to record the following items during your reporting period:

Measure 1: More than 60% of medication orders

Measure 2: More than 30% of lab orders

Measure 3: More than 30% of radiology orders

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Objective 3: Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE)

Use computerized physician order entry (CPOE) to record the following items during your reporting period:

Measure 1: More than 60% of medication orders

Measure 2: More than 30% of lab orders

Measure 3: More than 30% of radiology orders

Learn how to complete this measure »

Core 2: e-Prescribing

More than 50 percent of all permissible prescriptions written are queried for a drug formulary and transmitted electronically.

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Objective 4: Electronic Prescribing

More than 50 percent of all permissible prescriptions written are queried for a drug formulary and transmitted electronically.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Core 3: Record Demographics

Record the following demographics for more than 80% of all unique patients: preferred language, sex, race, ethnicity, date of birth.

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This is no longer an objective

Core 4: Record Vital Signs

Record and chart changes in the following vital signs for more than 80% of all unique patients:

Height and weight (for all ages)

Blood pressure (ages 3 and over)

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This is no longer an objective

Core 5: Record Smoking Status

Record smoking status for more than 80% of patients 13 or older

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This is no longer an objective

Core 6: Clinical Decision Support Rule

Measure 1: Implement five CDS interventions related to four or more CQMs at a relevant point in patient care for the entire EHR reporting period. If four CQMs don’t relate to your practice or patient population, the CDS interventions must relate to high-priority health conditions.

Measure 2: The provider has enabled and implemented the functionality for drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction checks for the entire EHR reporting period.

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Objective 2: Clinical Decision Support

Measure 1: Implement five CDS interventions related to four or more CQMs at a relevant point in patient care for the entire EHR reporting period. If four CQMs don’t relate to your practice or patient population, the CDS interventions must relate to high-priority health conditions.

Measure 2: The provider has enabled and implemented the functionality for drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction checks for the entire EHR reporting period.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Core 7: Patient Electronic Access

Measure 1: Provide online access to health information for more than 50% of all unique patients seen during the reporting period within four days.

Measure 2: More than 5% of all unique patients seen during the reporting period view, download their health information or transmit to a 3rd party.

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Objective 8: Patient Electronic Access (VDT)

Measure 1: More than 50 percent of all unique patients seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period are provided timely access to view online, download, and transmit to a third party their health information subject to the EP's discretion to withhold certain information.

Measure 2:

For 2015 and 2016: At least 1 patient seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period (or patient-authorized representative) views, downloads or transmits his or her health information to a third party during the EHR reporting period.

For 2017: More than 5 percent of unique patients seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period (or patient authorized representative) views, downloads or transmits their health information to a third party during the EHR reporting period.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Core 8: Clinical Summaries

Provide clinical summaries to patients or patient-authorized representatives within one business day for more than 50% of office visits.

CMS information »

This is no longer an objective

Core 9: Protect Electronic Health Information

Conduct or review a security risk analysis. Implement security updates as necessary and correct identified security deficiencies as part of the provider's risk management process for providers.

CMS information »

Objective 1: Protect Patient Health Information

Conduct or review a security risk analysis. Implement security updates as necessary and correct identified security deficiencies as part of the provider's risk management process for providers.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Core 10: Clinical Lab Test Results

Incorporate more than 55% of all clinical lab tests results ordered during the reporting period into the EHR as structured data.

CMS information »

This is no longer an objective

Core 11: Patient Lists

Generate a patient list report for patients with a specific condition.

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This is no longer an objective

Core 12: Preventative Care

Use clinically relevant information to identify patients who should receive reminders for preventive/follow-up care. Send a reminder for more than 10% of all unique patients who had two or more office visits within the 24 months before the beginning of the EHR reporting period, per patient preference when available.

CMS information »

This is no longer an objective

Core 13: Patient-Specific Education Resources

Provide patient-specific education resources identified by the EHR for more than 10% of all unique patients with office visits seen during the reporting period.

CMS information »

Objective 6: Patient-Specific Education

Provide patient-specific education resources identified by the EHR for more than 10% of all unique patients with office visits seen during the reporting period.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Core 14: Medication Reconciliation

Perform medication reconciliation for more than 50% of transitions of care in which the patient is transitioned into your care.

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Objective 7: Medication Reconciliation

Perform medication reconciliation for more than 50% of transitions of care in which the patient is transitioned into your care.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Core 15: Summary of Care

Measure 1: Provide a summary of care record for more than 50% of transitions

Measure 2: Provide an electronic summary of care record for more than 10% of transitions through a) the EHR or b) NwHIN exchange

Measure 3: Conduct one or more successful electronic summary of care exchanges with a recipient using a different ONC 2014 edition certified EHR (not Practice Fusion) OR with a CMS designated test EHR during the reporting period using secure Direct messaging.

CMS information »

Objective 5: Health Information Exchange

Create and provide an electronic summary of care record for more than 10% of transitions to another setting or provider of care.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Core 16: Immunization Registries Data Submission

Successful ongoing submission of electronic immunization data from the EHR to an immunization registry or immunization information system for the entire EHR reporting period.

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Objective 10: Public Health

Measure 1: Immunization Registry Reporting The EP is in active engagement with a public health agency to submit immunization data.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Core 17: Use Secure Electronic Messaging

More than 5% of unique patients seen during the EHR reporting period must send the provider a secure message using the electronic messaging function of the PHR.

CMS information »

Objective 9: Secure Messaging

For 2015: For an EHR reporting period in 2015, the capability for patients to send and receive a secure electronic message with the EP was fully enabled.

For 2016: For at least 1 patient seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period, a secure message was sent using the electronic messaging function of CEHRT to the patient (or patient authorized representative), or in response to a secure message sent by the patient (or patient-authorized representative) during the EHR reporting period.

For 2017:For more than 5 percent of unique patients seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period, a secure message was sent using the electronic messaging function of CEHRT to the patient (or the patient-authorized representative), or in response to a secure message sent by the patient (or the patient-authorized representative) during the EHR reporting period.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Menu 1: Syndromic Surveillance Data Submission

Successfully submit syndromic surveillance data to a public health agency throughout the EHR reporting period on an ongoing basis (except where prohibited, and in accordance with applicable law and practice).

CMS information »

Objective 10: Public Health

Measure 2: Syndromic Surveillance Reporting The EP is in active engagement with a public health agency to submit syndromic surveillance data.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Menu 2: Electronic Notes

Create, edit, and sign at least one electronic progress note for more than 30% of unique patients with at least one office visit during the reporting period.

CMS information »

This is no longer an objective

Menu 3: Imaging Results

More than 10% of imaging tests ordered during the reporting period whose result is an image should be accessible through the EHR.

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This is no longer an objective

Menu 4: Family Health History

Record patient family health history as structured data for one or more first-degree relatives for more than 20% of all unique patients seen during the reporting period.

CMS information »

This is no longer an objective

Menu 5: Report Cancer Cases

Successful ongoing submission of cancer case information to a public health central cancer registry for the entire reporting period (except where prohibited, and in accordance with applicable law and practice).

CMS information »

Objective 10: Public Health

Measure 3 – Specialized Registry Reporting – The EP is in active engagement to submit data to a specialized registry.

Learn how to complete this measure »

Menu 6: Report Specific Cases

Successfully submit specific case information from the EHR to a specialized registry (other than a cancer registry) on an ongoing basis for the entire reporting period (except where prohibited, and in accordance with applicable law and practice).

CMS information »

Objective 10: Public Health

Measure 3 – Specialized Registry Reporting – The EP is in active engagement to submit data to a specialized registry.

Learn how to complete this measure »

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