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August 22, 2011

Take Meaningful Use Action: Check Drug Interaction Settings

It is very easy to fulfill the drug interaction check requirement for Meaningful Use. Practice Fusion enables drug-drug and drug allergy alerts by default. As long as these alerts are enabled for the entirety of your 90 day Meaningful Use reporting period, you fulfill this core criteria.

Practice Fusion users have the ability to turn off all drug interaction checks. If you do this, you will not qualify for Meaningful Use. It is important to take a few brief moments to check your practice’s settings to ensure that the provider who wishes to pursue EHR incentives has these checks enabled for mild, moderate and/or severe interaction alerts. As long as one of these levels of alerts is enabled for the provider, you fulfill this criterion.

Below are a few quick steps to ensure to check that drug interaction alerts are enabled:

  1. Log in to the EHR and click on Admin at the top of the screen
  2. Click on the Permissions tab within the Admin Section
  3. Under Drug-Drug alerts, review each user and make sure that at least one type of alert (moderate, mild, severe) is checked for each user
  4. Click on Drug-allergy alerts tab and review each user and make sure that at least one type of alert (moderate, mild, severe) is checked for each user
  5. Click the Save button (highlighted in green).

When all users have at least one drug-drug and one drug-allergy alert enabled, you can exit the Admin section.

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