Contacts related to a patient
Field Name | Data type | Field Description |
PatientPracticeGuid | Guid | Unique identifier representing a patient |
FirstName | String | Contact’s first name |
MiddleName | String | Contact’s middle name |
LastName | String | Contact’s last name |
RelationToPatient | String | Contact’s relation to patient |
PhoneNumber | String | Contact’s phone number |
PhoneType | String | Contact’s phone number type |
AddressLine1 | String | Street address line 1 of the patient’s contact |
AddressLine2 | String | Street address line 2 of the patient’s contact |
City | String | City of the patient’s contact |
State | String | State of the patient’s Contact |
Zip | String | Zip code of patient’s Contact |
Country | String | Country of the patient’s contact |
LastModifiedByUserGuid | Guid | Unique identifier representing the user who made the last update to this record in the EHR |
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc | DateTime | UTC date and time at which the last update was performed in the EHR |