PatientPracticeGuid |
Guid |
Unique identifier representing a patient |
OrderGuid |
Guid |
Unique identifier representing the lab order |
OrderItemGuid |
Guid |
Unique identifier representing the lab order test |
SpecimenContainerCount |
Int32 |
Number of specimen containers |
Note |
String |
Note associated to the specimen record |
SpecimenCollectionDateTimeUtc |
DateTime? |
UTC date and time when the specimen should be collected |
IsCollectedAtPatientServiceCenter |
Boolean |
True, if the specimen was collected at patient service center |
SpecimenTypeCode |
String |
Code representing the specimen type |
SpecimenTypeName |
String |
Name associated with the specimen type code |
SpecimenTypeCodingSystemName |
String |
Coding system used by specimen type code |
OrderBodySiteCode |
String |
The HL7 code representing the body site from which a specimen is collected |
OrderBodySiteDescription |
String |
A textual description of the body site from which the specimen is collected |
OrderBodySiteModifierCode1 |
String |
First modifier code indicating more information about the body site from which the specimen is collected |
OrderBodySiteModifierDescription1 |
String |
A textual description of first modifier code |
OrderBodySiteModifierCode2 |
String |
Second modifier code indicating more information about the body site from which the specimen is collected |
OrderBodySiteModifierDescription2 |
String |
A textual description of second modifier code |
OrderBodySiteModifierCode3 |
String |
Third modifier code indicating more information about the body site from which the specimen is collected |
OrderBodySiteModifierDescription3 |
String |
A textual description of third modifier code |
LastModifiedByProfileGuid |
Guid? |
Unique identifier representing the profile who last modified this record |
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc |
DateTime |
UTC date and time when the last update was made to this record in the EHR |