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Field Name Data type Field Description
PatientPracticeGuid Guid Unique identifier representing a patient
EncounterGuid Guid Unique identifier that represents the encounter
DateOfService DateField Date of service of the encounter
Subjective String Subjective note that was recorded during the SOAP encounter. Note that was recorded during the SIMPLE encounter.
Objective String Objective note that was recorded during the SOAP encounter. Empty for a SIMPLE encounter.
Assessment String Assessment note that was recorded during the SOAP encounter. Empty for a SIMPLE encounter.
Plan String Plan note that was recorded during the SOAP encounter. Empty for a SIMPLE encounter.
SnapshotDiagnosis String Diagnosis information attached to the encounter at the time of signing of the encounter
SnapshotMedications String Medication information attached to the encounter at the time of signing of the encounter
ChiefComplaint String Chief complaint related to the encounter
SignedByProviderGuid Guid? Unique identifier of the provider that signed the encounter
SignedDateTimeUtc DateTime? UTC date and time when the encounter was signed
FacilityGuid Guid? Unique identifier for the facility where the encounter occurred
SeenByProviderGuid Guid? Unique identifier for the provider who saw the patient during the encounter
ChartNoteType String Label representing the type of the encounter
IsSoapNote Boolean Boolean that signifies if this was a SOAP encounter. False means it was a SIMPLE encounter.
IsVirtualVisit Boolean Boolean that signifies if the encounter was a virtual encounter
IsPsychotherapyNote Boolean Boolean that determines if the encounter type of the encounter is psychotherapy
LastModifiedByProviderGuid Guid? Unique identifier of the provider who last modified this record
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc DateTime UTC date and time when the last update was performed