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Individual who is financially responsible for paying medical bills or healthcare expenses on behalf of a patient

Field Name Data type Field Description
PatientPracticeGuid Guid Unique identifier representing a patient
FirstName String The first name of the guarantor
MiddleInitial String The middle initial of the guarantor’s name
LastName String The last name of the guarantor
DateOfBirth DateTime? The date of birth of the guarantor
SSNumber String The Social Security Number (SSN) or a similar identification number associated with the guarantor
PrimaryPhoneNumber String The primary phone number of the guarantor
PrimaryPhoneNumberExtension String The extension associated with the primary phone number of the guarantor
SecondaryPhoneNumber String The secondary phone number of the guarantor
SecondaryPhoneNumberExtension String The extension associated with the secondary phone number of the guarantor
Address1 String The first line of the address where the guarantor resides or can be contacted
Address2 String The second line of the address (if needed) where the guarantor resides or can be contacted
City String The city of residence or contact for the guarantor
State String The state or province of residence or contact for the guarantor
Zip String The zip or postal code of residence of the guarantor
BillingPaymentType String The type of payment method or plan used for billing healthcare expenses
BillingGenderOption String The gender option associated with the guarantor
BillingPatientRelationshipOption String The relationship option between guarantor and patient
BillingPaymentPreferenceLastModifiedByUserGuid Guid? The unique identifier of the user who last modified the billing payment preference for the patient
BillingPaymentPreferenceLastModifiedDateTimeUtc DateTime? The UTC date and time when the billing payment preference for the patient was last modified
GuarantorContactLastModifiedByUserGuid Guid? Unique identifier of the user who last modified the guarantor contact information
GuarantorContactLastModifiedDateTimeUtc DateTime? UTC date and time when the guarantor contact information was last modified