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Field Name Data type Field Description
PatientPracticeGuid Guid Unique identifier representing a patient
AlertLevel String Represents the level of the patient’s drug alert, for example: ‘Mild’, ‘Severe’, etc.
AlertCategory String Represents the categories associated with the patient’s drug alert, for example: ‘DrugAllergy’, ‘DrugInteraction’.
AlertMessage String Message related to the patient’s drug alert
InteractionReason String Reason related to the patient’s drug alert interaction, for example: ‘Not clinically important’, ‘Drug could be life-saving for patient’,
Comment String Comment related to the patient’s drug alert
PrimaryDrugName String Name of the primary drug
PrimaryNDC String National drug code to identify primary drug
SecondaryDrugName String Name of the secondary drug
SecondaryNDC String National drug code to identify secondary drug
LastModifiedByUserGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the user or system that last updated this record
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc DateTime UTC date and time when the last update was performed