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Data regarding a lab order

Field Name Data type Field Description
PatientPracticeGuid Guid Unique identifier representing a patient
OrderGuid Guid Unique identifier representing the lab order
OrderNumber String Order Number assigned to the lab order
Note String Note added to the lab order
FacilityGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the practice facility
EncounterGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the encounter associated with this lab order
OrderingProviderProfileGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the ordering provider profile
PrimaryProviderProfileGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the patient’s primary provider profile
PrimaryPatientInsurancePlanGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the patient’s primary insurance plan associated with this order
SecondaryPatientInsurancePlanGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the patient’s secondary insurance plan associated with this order
PaymentPreferenceType String Type of payment preferred for this lab order
FutureOrderDateTimeUtc DateTime? UTC Date and time when the order should be conducted
LabType String Type of lab order (e.g. Diagnostic or Imaging)
ClientTimeZoneOffset String Time zone of lab order client
AssignedToProfileGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the primary provider profile the order is assigned to
OrderPendingPickupDateTimeUtc DateTime? UTC date and time when the order should be picked up
OrderStatus String Status of the order
IsPatientServiceCenterOrder Boolean True if the order is expected to be performed at a service center
IsAbnRequired Boolean True if advance beneficiary notice is required
IsAbnSigned Boolean True if advance beneficiary notice has been signed
IsFromSplitOrder Boolean True if this order has been split into 2 or more requisitions
IsSplitOriginalOrder Boolean True if this order is the first of multiple requisitions
SplitParentOrderGuid Guid? Unique identifier representing the order this order was split from
ClinicalInformationNote String Clinical information note associated with the order
LastModifiedDateTimeUtc DateTime UTC date and time when the last update was made to this order