Certified Consultants: Driving EHR Adoption
A little over a year ago, Practice Fusion started the national Certified Consultant Network to help medical practices implement an electronic health record with on-site help. It consists of third party consultants who provide a wide range of services from hardware setup to billing along with setting up and providing continued support for their Practice Fusion EHR.
When the network was created I was an Account Manager, working with the first consultants and sending practices that required onsite assistance to them. Today I help train the network, which has grown to include hundreds and is expected to triple this year.
We hold weekly and monthly conference calls with the network so that the consultants are up to date on new developments with the EHR and the industry. Many of them have branched into exciting new directions such as developing applications for our recent API challenge.
Practices that work with a certified consultant are up and running with their EHR extremely quickly. Our network has even had greater success than the Regional Extension Centers in on-boarding private practices. A well-prepared consultant partnered with Practice Fusion’s web based EHR can apparently do more than a bureaucracy.
If you’re interested in helping doctors adopt an EHR, Practice Fusion’s national Certified Consultant Network is ready for you. You’ll go through training and become a part of a rapidly growing group of individuals and businesses supported by Practice Fusion.
Join the Certified Consultant Network today. I’m looking forward to working with you.
Derek Ward
Trainer, Product Evangelist
Practice Fusion, EHR