Practice Fusion · February 13, 2017
CMS extends PQRS EHR and Meaningful Use reporting deadlines
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced extensions to: (1) the deadline for submitting data using the 2016 Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) EHR reporting mechanism; and (2) the attestation deadline for the 2016 Medicare EHR Incentive Program (Meaningful Use).
Contributing Writer · January 1, 2017
Ambulatory EHR vs. hospital inpatient EHR solutions
The hospital EHR environment The ambulatory healthcare environment Differences in Certification Conclusions
Practice Fusion · November 2, 2016
CMS has officially finalized the 90 day reporting period for Meaningful Use in 2016 and 2017
CMS is extending the 90-day EHR reporting period to include 2017 in response to stakeholder comments indicating concerns with implementing API functionalities for Stage 3, program and systems changes in 2017, as well as to allow eligible clinicians time to transition to the Merit-based Incentive...
Practice Fusion · November 1, 2016
Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) deadline
The Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) is a quality reporting program run by CMS that encourages eligible professionals (EPs) to report information on the quality of Medicare patient care. PQRS gives participating EPs the opportunity to assess the quality of care they provide to their...
Andrew Montalvo · October 31, 2016
How to obtain Direct Messaging Addresses to meet the Meaningful Use Health Information Exchange (HIE) Objective 5
If you’re participating in Meaningful Use, you may be familiar with the difficulty involved with meeting Objective 5: Health Information Exchange. One of the greatest challenges with meeting the objective is to identify and set up your list of “verified recipients.”