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Practice Fusion FHIR® API Specifications

Authentication and Authorization

Confidential Clients

Practice Fusion supports the following authentication and authorization methods for Confidential Clients:

App Type Authentication Grant-Type O-Auth Flow
Standalone Launch Symmetric (Shared Secret) Authorization Code 3-legged
EHR Launch Symmetric (Shared Secret) Authorization Code 3-legged
Bulk-Data Asymmetric (Public Key) Client Credentials 2-legged

Non-Confidential Clients

For native/public applications that cannot store a secret, PKCE is not required. The application can register as a public stand-alone launch app. The application can authorize using the “authorization code” grant type.

Capability Statement and Well-known Smart Configuration


Authorize, Introspection, and Token Endpoints
These can be found by requesting the well-known configuration or the capability statement from the Practice Fusion FHIR server.

Well-Known Smart Configuration

Method: GET


Well-Known Smart Configuration PHR
 GET {{BaseURL}}/.well-known/smart-configuration

200 - OK


Param Value Description Type
Content-Type application/json    


  "authorization_endpoint": "{{BaseURL}}/authorize",
  "token_endpoint": "{{BaseURL}}/token",
  "introspection_endpoint": "{{BaseURL}}/introspect",
  "capabilities": [
Well-Known Smart Configuration EHR
 GET {{BaseURL}}/.well-known/smart-configuration

200 - OK


Param Value Description Type
Content-Type application/json   text


    "authorization_endpoint": "{{BaseURL}}/authorize",
    "token_endpoint": "{{BaseURL}}/token",
    "introspection_endpoint": "{{BaseURL}}/introspect",
    "capabilities": [
    "grant_types_supported": [
    "code_challenge_methods_supported": [


Method: GET


Metadata PHR
 GET {{BaseURL}}/metadata

200 - OK


Param Value Description Type
Content-Type application/json   text


  "date": "2022-03-01",
  "description": "NXT API conformance statement",
  "fhirVersion": "4.0.1",
  "format": [
  "id": "2eec11d3-106f-4fac-8430-ae83a8b3ca7b",
  "kind": "capability",
  "name": "NXT API FHIR Capability Statement",
  "publisher": "MedicaSoft, LLC",
  "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
  "instantiates": [
  "rest": [
      "documentation": "NXT API functionality",
      "mode": "server",
      "resource": [
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Date record was believed accurate",
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Clinical symptoms/signs associated with the Event",
              "name": "manifestation",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who recorded the sensitivity",
              "name": "recorder",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the allergy or intolerance",
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "low | high | unable-to-assess",
              "name": "criticality",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "active | inactive | resolved",
              "name": "clinical-status",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "allergy | intolerance - Underlying mechanism (if known)",
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Date(/time) when manifestations showed",
              "name": "onset",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who the sensitivity is for",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
          "type": "AllergyIntolerance"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Time when the event occurred on source",
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Type of entity involved",
              "name": "entity-type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Direct reference to resource",
              "name": "agent",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Identifier for the network access point of the user device",
              "name": "address",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identity of source detecting the event",
              "name": "source",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Type/identifier of event",
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Alternative User id e.g. authentication",
              "name": "altid",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Logical source location within the enterprise",
              "name": "site",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Human-meaningful name for the agent",
              "name": "agent-name",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "More specific type/id for the event",
              "name": "subtype",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Direct reference to resource",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Type of action performed during the event",
              "name": "action",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Unique identifier for the user",
              "name": "user",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Specific instance of resource",
              "name": "entity",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Specific instance of object",
              "name": "entity-id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Whether the event succeeded or failed",
              "name": "outcome",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "AuditEvent"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "type": "Binary"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "type": "CapabilityStatement"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Composition editing time",
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Logical identifier of composition (version-independent)",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who and/or what the composition is about",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who and/or what authored the composition",
              "name": "author",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "As defined by affinity domain",
              "name": "confidentiality",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Classification of section (recommended)",
              "name": "section",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Context of the Composition",
              "name": "encounter",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Kind of composition (LOINC if possible)",
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Human Readable name/title",
              "name": "title",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who attested the composition",
              "name": "attester",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A reference to data that supports this section",
              "name": "entry",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who and/or what the composition is about",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code(s) that apply to the event being documented",
              "name": "context",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Categorization of Composition",
              "name": "class",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "preliminary | final | amended | entered-in-error",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "Composition"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The severity of the condition",
              "name": "severity",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code for the condition",
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Manifestation/symptom",
              "name": "evidence",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who has the condition?",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The clinical status of the condition",
              "name": "clinical-status",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Encounter when condition first asserted",
              "name": "encounter",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Abatement boolean (boolean is true or non-boolean values are present)",
              "name": "abatement-boolean",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Date related onsets (dateTime and Period)",
              "name": "onset-date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Date-related abatements (dateTime and period)",
              "name": "abatement-date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Person who asserts this condition",
              "name": "asserter",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Simple summary (disease specific)",
              "name": "stage",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who has the condition?",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Date record was believed accurate",
              "name": "asserted-date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The category of the condition",
              "name": "category",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "Condition"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identity of the contract",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identity of the subject of the contract (if a patient)",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identity of the subject of the contract",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
          "type": "Contract"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The primary identifier of the insured and the coverage",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Reference to the subscriber",
              "name": "subscriber",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Sub-plan identifier",
              "name": "subplan",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The kind of coverage (health plan, auto, Workers Compensation)",
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Sequence number",
              "name": "sequence",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A plan or policy identifier",
              "name": "plan",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Dependent number",
              "name": "dependent",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Group identifier",
              "name": "group",
              "type": "string"
          "type": "Coverage"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The udi Device Identifier (DI)",
              "name": "udi-di",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Instance id from manufacturer, owner, and others",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the  or Device.type.coding.display or  Device.type.text",
              "name": "device-name",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Patient information, if the resource is affixed to a person",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The organization responsible for the device",
              "name": "organization",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The model of the device",
              "name": "model",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A location, where the resource is found",
              "name": "location",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The type of the device",
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Network address to contact device",
              "name": "url",
              "type": "uri"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The manufacturer of the device",
              "name": "manufacturer",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "active | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "Device"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The clinically relevant time of the report",
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "An identifier for the report",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A reference to the image source.",
              "name": "image",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who was the source of the report (organization)",
              "name": "performer",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The code for the report as a whole, as opposed to codes for the atomic results, which are the names on the observation resource referred to from the result",
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The subject of the report",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A coded diagnosis on the report",
              "name": "diagnosis",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The Encounter when the order was made",
              "name": "encounter",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Link to an atomic result (observation resource)",
              "name": "result",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The subject of the report if a patient",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The specimen details",
              "name": "specimen",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "When the report was issued",
              "name": "issued",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Which diagnostic discipline/department created the report",
              "name": "category",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The status of the report",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The aggregated interpretation of the observation results: normal, abnormal, critical",
              "name": "interpretation",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "DiagnosticReport"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Document security-tags",
              "name": "securitylabel",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who/what is the subject of the document",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Human-readable description (title)",
              "name": "description",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Human language of the content (BCP-47)",
              "name": "language",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Kind of document (LOINC if possible)",
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "replaces | transforms | signs | appends",
              "name": "relation",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who/what is the subject of the document",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Main clinical acts documented",
              "name": "event",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Categorization of document",
              "name": "class",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who/what authenticated the document",
              "name": "authenticator",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Master Version Specific Identifier",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Time of service that is being documented",
              "name": "period",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Organization which maintains the document",
              "name": "custodian",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "When this document reference was created",
              "name": "indexed",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who and/or what authored the document",
              "name": "author",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Document creation time",
              "name": "created",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Format/content rules for the document",
              "name": "format",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Context of the document  content",
              "name": "encounter",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Uri where the data can be found",
              "name": "location",
              "type": "uri"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Target of the relationship",
              "name": "relatesto",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Kind of facility where patient was seen",
              "name": "facility",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "current | superseded | entered-in-error",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "DocumentReference"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A date within the period the Encounter lasted",
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against",
              "name": "episodeofcare",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Role of participant in encounter",
              "name": "participant-type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient",
              "name": "practitioner",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The patient ro group present at the encounter",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Length of encounter in days",
              "name": "length",
              "type": "quantity"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Reason the encounter takes place (resource)",
              "name": "diagnosis",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The appointment that scheduled this encounter",
              "name": "appointment",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient",
              "name": "participant",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The patient ro group present at the encounter",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Time period during which the patient was present at the location",
              "name": "location-period",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Location the encounter takes place",
              "name": "location",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The custodian organization of this Encounter record",
              "name": "service-provider",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Wheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc.",
              "name": "special-arrangement",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "inpatient | outpatient | ambulatory | emergency +",
              "name": "class",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "Encounter"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Conditions/problems/diagnoses this episode of care is for",
              "name": "condition",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The patient who is the focus of this episode of care",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The organization that has assumed the specific responsibilities of this EpisodeOfCare",
              "name": "organization",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Type/class  - e.g. specialist referral, disease management",
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Care manager/care co-ordinator for the patient",
              "name": "care-manager",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The current status of the Episode of Care as provided (does not check the status history collection)",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "EpisodeOfCare"
          "conditionalCreate": true,
          "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
          "conditionalUpdate": true,
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identity of a subject to list family member history items for",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
          "type": "FamilyMemberHistory"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identity of a subject to list flags for",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identity of a subject to list flags for",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Alert relevant during encounter",
              "name": "encounter",
              "type": "reference"
          "type": "Flag"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who this goal is intended for",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who this goal is intended for",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "When goal pursuit begins",
              "name": "start-date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "E.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral, etc.",
              "name": "category",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Reach goal on or before",
              "name": "target-date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "proposed | accepted | planned | in-progress | on-target | ahead-of-target | behind-target | sustaining | achieved | on-hold | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "Goal"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "operation": [
              "name": "export",
              "definition": ""
          "type": "Group"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The study identifier for the image",
              "name": "study",
              "type": "uri"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The type of the instance",
              "name": "dicom-class",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The modality of the series",
              "name": "modality",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The body site studied",
              "name": "bodysite",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "When the study was started",
              "name": "started",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The accession identifier for the study",
              "name": "accession",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The instance unique identifier",
              "name": "uid",
              "type": "uri"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who the study is about",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identifier of the series of images",
              "name": "series",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "ImagingStudy"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Vaccination  (non)-Administration Date",
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Business identifier",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Why immunization occurred",
              "name": "reason",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Additional information on reaction",
              "name": "reaction",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Vaccine Lot Number",
              "name": "lot-number",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The practitioner who played a role in the vaccination",
              "name": "practitioner",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Administrations which were not given",
              "name": "notgiven",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Vaccine Manufacturer",
              "name": "manufacturer",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Dose number within series",
              "name": "dose-sequence",
              "type": "number"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The patient for the vaccination record",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Vaccine Product Administered",
              "name": "vaccine-code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Explanation of reason vaccination was not administered",
              "name": "reason-not-given",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The service delivery location or facility in which the vaccine was / was to be administered",
              "name": "location",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "When reaction started",
              "name": "reaction-date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Immunization event status",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "Immunization"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "When the list was prepared",
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Actual entry",
              "name": "item",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Why list is empty",
              "name": "empty-reason",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "What the purpose of this list is",
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "If all resources have the same subject",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "If all resources have the same subject",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who and/or what defined the list contents (aka Author)",
              "name": "source",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Context in which list created",
              "name": "encounter",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "current | retired | entered-in-error",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "List"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "An identifier for the location",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A location of which this location is a part",
              "name": "partof",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A (part of the) address of the location",
              "name": "address",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A code for the type of location",
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Searches for locations that are managed by the provided organization",
              "name": "organization",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A portion of the location's name or alias",
              "name": "name",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Searches for locations with a specific kind of status",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "Location"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "E.g. box, vial, blister-pack",
              "name": "container",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The item in the package",
              "name": "package-item",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Codes that identify this medication",
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The product contained",
              "name": "ingredient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "powder | tablets | capsule +",
              "name": "form",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Manufacturer of the item",
              "name": "manufacturer",
              "type": "reference"
          "type": "Medication"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Return administrations with this external identifier",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identify of the individual or group to list administrations for",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Administrations that were not made",
              "name": "not-given",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Return administrations of this medication resource",
              "name": "medication",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identity of a prescription to list administrations from",
              "name": "prescription",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identity of a patient to list administrations  for",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Date administration happened (or did not happen)",
              "name": "effective-time",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Return administrations with this administration device identity",
              "name": "device",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "MedicationAdministration event status (for example one of active/paused/completed/nullified)",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "MedicationAdministration"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Returns medication request to be administered on a specific date",
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Return prescriptions with this external identifier",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Return prescriptions written on this date",
              "name": "authoredon",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The identity of a patient to list orders  for",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Return prescriptions of this medication reference",
              "name": "medication",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Returns prescriptions for a specific patient",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Status of the prescription",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "MedicationRequest"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "ok | transient-error | fatal-error",
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Intended \"real-world\" recipient for the data",
              "name": "receiver",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The source of the decision",
              "name": "author",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The actual content of the message",
              "name": "focus",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Resources resulted from this message",
              "name": "parsed-content",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of original message",
              "name": "response-id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code for the event this message represents",
              "name": "event",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Time that the message was sent",
              "name": "timestamp",
              "type": "date"
          "type": "MessageHeader"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period",
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The code of the observation type",
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The subject that the observation is about",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept",
              "name": "value-concept",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The value of the observation, if the value is a date or period of time",
              "name": "value-date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The subject that the observation is about (if patient)",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Specimen used for this observation",
              "name": "specimen",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The value of the observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text",
              "name": "value-string",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Who performed the observation",
              "name": "performer",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)",
              "name": "value-quantity",
              "type": "quantity"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Encounter related to the observation",
              "name": "encounter",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "has-member | derived-from | sequel-to | replaces | qualified-by | interfered-by",
              "name": "related-type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Resource that is related to this one",
              "name": "related-target",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The classification of the type of observation",
              "name": "category",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The status of the observation",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "Observation"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Any identifier for the organization (not the accreditation issuer's identifier)",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "An organization of which this organization forms a part",
              "name": "partof",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A (part of the) address of the organization",
              "name": "address",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A state specified in an address",
              "name": "address-state",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text",
              "name": "active",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A code for the type of organization",
              "name": "type",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A postal code specified in an address",
              "name": "address-postalcode",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A portion of the organization's name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm",
              "name": "phonetic",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A portion of the organization's name or alias",
              "name": "name",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A city specified in an address",
              "name": "address-city",
              "type": "string"
          "type": "Organization"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The patient's date of birth",
              "name": "birthdate",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Gender of the patient",
              "name": "gender",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "All patients linked to the given patient",
              "name": "link",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Language code (irrespective of use value)",
              "name": "language",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The value in any kind of telecom details of the patient",
              "name": "telecom",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A patient identifier",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A portion of the given name of the patient",
              "name": "given",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text",
              "name": "address",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Whether the patient record is active",
              "name": "active",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text",
              "name": "name",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A portion of the family name of the patient",
              "name": "family",
              "type": "string"
          "type": "Patient"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A practitioner's Identifier",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A portion of the given name",
              "name": "given",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text",
              "name": "address",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A state specified in an address",
              "name": "address-state",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Gender of the practitioner",
              "name": "gender",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Whether the practitioner record is active",
              "name": "active",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A postalCode specified in an address",
              "name": "address-postalcode",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text",
              "name": "name",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The value in any kind of contact",
              "name": "telecom",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A portion of the family name",
              "name": "family",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A city specified in an address",
              "name": "address-city",
              "type": "string"
          "type": "Practitioner"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
          "profile": "",
          "supportedProfile": [
          "searchInclude": [
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Date/Period the procedure was performed",
              "name": "date",
              "type": "date"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A code to identify a  procedure",
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Search by subject",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Search by encounter",
              "name": "encounter",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Search by context",
              "name": "context",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Search by subject - a patient",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
          "type": "Procedure"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "What is being requested/ordered",
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Requested perfomer",
              "name": "performer",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Search by subject",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "An encounter in which this request is made",
              "name": "encounter",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "routine | urgent | asap | stat",
              "name": "priority",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Search by subject - a patient",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "draft | active | suspended | completed | entered-in-error | cancelled",
              "name": "status",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "ServiceRequest"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "An Identifier of the RelatedPerson",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text",
              "name": "address",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Gender of the related person",
              "name": "gender",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The patient this related person is related to",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text",
              "name": "name",
              "type": "string"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The value in any kind of contact",
              "name": "telecom",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "RelatedPerson"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The unique identifier associated with the specimen",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The subject of the specimen",
              "name": "subject",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The patient the specimen comes from",
              "name": "patient",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The accession number associated with the specimen",
              "name": "accession",
              "type": "token"
          "type": "Specimen"
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "profile": "",
          "searchParam": [
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
              "name": "source_id",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
              "name": "source_doc",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
              "name": "datamart",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Unique identifier for the substance",
              "name": "identifier",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "The code of the substance or ingredient",
              "name": "code",
              "type": "token"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Amount of substance in the package",
              "name": "quantity",
              "type": "quantity"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "A component of the substance",
              "name": "substance-reference",
              "type": "reference"
              "definition": "",
              "documentation": "Expiry date of package or container of substance",
              "name": "expiry",
              "type": "date"
          "type": "Substance"
          "type": "Task",
          "profile": "",
          "interaction": [
              "code": "read",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
              "code": "search-type",
              "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
          "searchParam": [
              "name": "requester",
              "definition": "",
              "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "Search by task requester"
              "name": "code",
              "definition": "",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Search by task code"
              "name": "status",
              "definition": "",
              "type": "token",
              "documentation": "Search by task status"
              "name": "organization",
              "definition": "",
              "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "Search by responsible organization"
              "name": "subject",
              "definition": "",
              "type": "reference",
              "documentation": "Search by subject"
              "name": "modified",
              "definition": "",
              "type": "date",
              "documentation": "Search by last modification date"
      "searchParam": [
          "definition": "",
          "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
          "name": "source_id",
          "type": "token"
          "definition": "",
          "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
          "name": "source_doc",
          "type": "reference"
          "definition": "",
          "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
          "name": "datamart",
          "type": "token"
          "definition": "",
          "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact",
          "name": "_id",
          "type": "token"
      "security": {
        "cors": false,
        "description": "This is the Capability Statement to declare that the server supports SMART-on-FHIR. See the SMART-on-FHIR docs for the extension that would go with such a server",
        "service": [
            "coding": [
                "code": "Certificates",
                "display": "SSL where client must have a certificate registered with the server.",
                "system": ""
            "text": "SSL where client must have a certificate registered with the server."
            "coding": [
                "system": "",
                "code": "SMART-on-FHIR"
            "text": "OAuth2 using SMART-on-FHIR profile (see"
        "extension": [
            "extension": [
                "url": "token",
                "valueUri": "{{BaseURL}}/token"
                "url": "authorize",
                "valueUri": "{{BaseURL}}/authorize"
                "url": "introspect",
                "valueUri": "{{BaseURL}}/introspect"
            "url": ""
  "software": {
    "name": "NXT"
  "status": "active",
  "text": {
    "div": "<div xmlns=\"\"><h2>NXT API FHIR Capability Statement</h2></div>",
    "status": "generated"
  "version": "1.0.0"
Metadata EHR
 GET {{BaseURL}}/metadata

200 - OK


Param Value Description Type
Content-Type application/json   text


    "date": "2022-03-01",
    "description": "NXT API conformance statement",
    "fhirVersion": "4.0.1",
    "format": [
    "id": "2eec11d3-106f-4fac-8430-ae83a8b3ca7b",
    "kind": "capability",
    "name": "NXT API FHIR Capability Statement",
    "publisher": "MedicaSoft, LLC",
    "resourceType": "CapabilityStatement",
    "instantiates": [
    "rest": [
            "documentation": "NXT API functionality",
            "mode": "server",
            "resource": [
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Date record was believed accurate",
                            "name": "date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Clinical symptoms/signs associated with the Event",
                            "name": "manifestation",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who recorded the sensitivity",
                            "name": "recorder",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the allergy or intolerance",
                            "name": "code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "low | high | unable-to-assess",
                            "name": "criticality",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "active | inactive | resolved",
                            "name": "clinical-status",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "allergy | intolerance - Underlying mechanism (if known)",
                            "name": "type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Date(/time) when manifestations showed",
                            "name": "onset",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who the sensitivity is for",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                    "type": "AllergyIntolerance"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Time when the event occurred on source",
                            "name": "date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Type of entity involved",
                            "name": "entity-type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Direct reference to resource",
                            "name": "agent",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Identifier for the network access point of the user device",
                            "name": "address",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identity of source detecting the event",
                            "name": "source",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Type/identifier of event",
                            "name": "type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Alternative User id e.g. authentication",
                            "name": "altid",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Logical source location within the enterprise",
                            "name": "site",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Human-meaningful name for the agent",
                            "name": "agent-name",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "More specific type/id for the event",
                            "name": "subtype",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Direct reference to resource",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Type of action performed during the event",
                            "name": "action",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Unique identifier for the user",
                            "name": "user",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Specific instance of resource",
                            "name": "entity",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Specific instance of object",
                            "name": "entity-id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Whether the event succeeded or failed",
                            "name": "outcome",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "AuditEvent"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "type": "Binary"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "type": "CapabilityStatement"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Composition editing time",
                            "name": "date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Logical identifier of composition (version-independent)",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who and/or what the composition is about",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who and/or what authored the composition",
                            "name": "author",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "As defined by affinity domain",
                            "name": "confidentiality",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Classification of section (recommended)",
                            "name": "section",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Context of the Composition",
                            "name": "encounter",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Kind of composition (LOINC if possible)",
                            "name": "type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Human Readable name/title",
                            "name": "title",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who attested the composition",
                            "name": "attester",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A reference to data that supports this section",
                            "name": "entry",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who and/or what the composition is about",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code(s) that apply to the event being documented",
                            "name": "context",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Categorization of Composition",
                            "name": "class",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "preliminary | final | amended | entered-in-error",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "Composition"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The severity of the condition",
                            "name": "severity",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code for the condition",
                            "name": "code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Manifestation/symptom",
                            "name": "evidence",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who has the condition?",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The clinical status of the condition",
                            "name": "clinical-status",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Encounter when condition first asserted",
                            "name": "encounter",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Abatement boolean (boolean is true or non-boolean values are present)",
                            "name": "abatement-boolean",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Date related onsets (dateTime and Period)",
                            "name": "onset-date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Date-related abatements (dateTime and period)",
                            "name": "abatement-date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Person who asserts this condition",
                            "name": "asserter",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Simple summary (disease specific)",
                            "name": "stage",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who has the condition?",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Date record was believed accurate",
                            "name": "asserted-date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The category of the condition",
                            "name": "category",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "Condition"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identity of the contract",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identity of the subject of the contract (if a patient)",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identity of the subject of the contract",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                    "type": "Contract"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The primary identifier of the insured and the coverage",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Reference to the subscriber",
                            "name": "subscriber",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Sub-plan identifier",
                            "name": "subplan",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The kind of coverage (health plan, auto, Workers Compensation)",
                            "name": "type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Sequence number",
                            "name": "sequence",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A plan or policy identifier",
                            "name": "plan",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Dependent number",
                            "name": "dependent",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Group identifier",
                            "name": "group",
                            "type": "string"
                    "type": "Coverage"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The udi Device Identifier (DI)",
                            "name": "udi-di",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Instance id from manufacturer, owner, and others",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the  or Device.type.coding.display or  Device.type.text",
                            "name": "device-name",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Patient information, if the resource is affixed to a person",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The organization responsible for the device",
                            "name": "organization",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The model of the device",
                            "name": "model",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A location, where the resource is found",
                            "name": "location",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The type of the device",
                            "name": "type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Network address to contact device",
                            "name": "url",
                            "type": "uri"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The manufacturer of the device",
                            "name": "manufacturer",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "active | inactive | entered-in-error | unknown",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "Device"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The clinically relevant time of the report",
                            "name": "date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "An identifier for the report",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A reference to the image source.",
                            "name": "image",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who was the source of the report (organization)",
                            "name": "performer",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The code for the report as a whole, as opposed to codes for the atomic results, which are the names on the observation resource referred to from the result",
                            "name": "code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The subject of the report",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A coded diagnosis on the report",
                            "name": "diagnosis",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The Encounter when the order was made",
                            "name": "encounter",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Link to an atomic result (observation resource)",
                            "name": "result",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The subject of the report if a patient",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The specimen details",
                            "name": "specimen",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "When the report was issued",
                            "name": "issued",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Which diagnostic discipline/department created the report",
                            "name": "category",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The status of the report",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The aggregated interpretation of the observation results: normal, abnormal, critical",
                            "name": "interpretation",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "DiagnosticReport"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Document security-tags",
                            "name": "securitylabel",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who/what is the subject of the document",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Human-readable description (title)",
                            "name": "description",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Human language of the content (BCP-47)",
                            "name": "language",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Kind of document (LOINC if possible)",
                            "name": "type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "replaces | transforms | signs | appends",
                            "name": "relation",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who/what is the subject of the document",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Main clinical acts documented",
                            "name": "event",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Categorization of document",
                            "name": "class",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who/what authenticated the document",
                            "name": "authenticator",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Master Version Specific Identifier",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Time of service that is being documented",
                            "name": "period",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Organization which maintains the document",
                            "name": "custodian",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "When this document reference was created",
                            "name": "indexed",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who and/or what authored the document",
                            "name": "author",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Document creation time",
                            "name": "created",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Format/content rules for the document",
                            "name": "format",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Context of the document  content",
                            "name": "encounter",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Uri where the data can be found",
                            "name": "location",
                            "type": "uri"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Target of the relationship",
                            "name": "relatesto",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Kind of facility where patient was seen",
                            "name": "facility",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "current | superseded | entered-in-error",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "DocumentReference"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A date within the period the Encounter lasted",
                            "name": "date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against",
                            "name": "episodeofcare",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Role of participant in encounter",
                            "name": "participant-type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient",
                            "name": "practitioner",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The patient ro group present at the encounter",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Length of encounter in days",
                            "name": "length",
                            "type": "quantity"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Reason the encounter takes place (resource)",
                            "name": "diagnosis",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The appointment that scheduled this encounter",
                            "name": "appointment",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient",
                            "name": "participant",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The patient ro group present at the encounter",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Time period during which the patient was present at the location",
                            "name": "location-period",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Location the encounter takes place",
                            "name": "location",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The custodian organization of this Encounter record",
                            "name": "service-provider",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Wheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc.",
                            "name": "special-arrangement",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "inpatient | outpatient | ambulatory | emergency +",
                            "name": "class",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "Encounter"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Conditions/problems/diagnoses this episode of care is for",
                            "name": "condition",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The patient who is the focus of this episode of care",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The organization that has assumed the specific responsibilities of this EpisodeOfCare",
                            "name": "organization",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Type/class  - e.g. specialist referral, disease management",
                            "name": "type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Care manager/care co-ordinator for the patient",
                            "name": "care-manager",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The current status of the Episode of Care as provided (does not check the status history collection)",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "EpisodeOfCare"
                    "conditionalCreate": true,
                    "conditionalDelete": "multiple",
                    "conditionalUpdate": true,
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identity of a subject to list family member history items for",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                    "type": "FamilyMemberHistory"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identity of a subject to list flags for",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identity of a subject to list flags for",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Alert relevant during encounter",
                            "name": "encounter",
                            "type": "reference"
                    "type": "Flag"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who this goal is intended for",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who this goal is intended for",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "When goal pursuit begins",
                            "name": "start-date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "E.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral, etc.",
                            "name": "category",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Reach goal on or before",
                            "name": "target-date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "proposed | accepted | planned | in-progress | on-target | ahead-of-target | behind-target | sustaining | achieved | on-hold | cancelled | entered-in-error | rejected",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "Goal"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "operation": [
                            "name": "export",
                            "definition": ""
                    "type": "Group"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The study identifier for the image",
                            "name": "study",
                            "type": "uri"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The type of the instance",
                            "name": "dicom-class",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The modality of the series",
                            "name": "modality",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The body site studied",
                            "name": "bodysite",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "When the study was started",
                            "name": "started",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The accession identifier for the study",
                            "name": "accession",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The instance unique identifier",
                            "name": "uid",
                            "type": "uri"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who the study is about",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identifier of the series of images",
                            "name": "series",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "ImagingStudy"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Vaccination  (non)-Administration Date",
                            "name": "date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Business identifier",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Why immunization occurred",
                            "name": "reason",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Additional information on reaction",
                            "name": "reaction",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Vaccine Lot Number",
                            "name": "lot-number",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The practitioner who played a role in the vaccination",
                            "name": "practitioner",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Administrations which were not given",
                            "name": "notgiven",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Vaccine Manufacturer",
                            "name": "manufacturer",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Dose number within series",
                            "name": "dose-sequence",
                            "type": "number"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The patient for the vaccination record",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Vaccine Product Administered",
                            "name": "vaccine-code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Explanation of reason vaccination was not administered",
                            "name": "reason-not-given",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The service delivery location or facility in which the vaccine was / was to be administered",
                            "name": "location",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "When reaction started",
                            "name": "reaction-date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Immunization event status",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "Immunization"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "When the list was prepared",
                            "name": "date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Actual entry",
                            "name": "item",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Why list is empty",
                            "name": "empty-reason",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "What the purpose of this list is",
                            "name": "code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "If all resources have the same subject",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "If all resources have the same subject",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who and/or what defined the list contents (aka Author)",
                            "name": "source",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Context in which list created",
                            "name": "encounter",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "current | retired | entered-in-error",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "List"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "An identifier for the location",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A location of which this location is a part",
                            "name": "partof",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A (part of the) address of the location",
                            "name": "address",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A code for the type of location",
                            "name": "type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Searches for locations that are managed by the provided organization",
                            "name": "organization",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A portion of the location's name or alias",
                            "name": "name",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Searches for locations with a specific kind of status",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "Location"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "E.g. box, vial, blister-pack",
                            "name": "container",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The item in the package",
                            "name": "package-item",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Codes that identify this medication",
                            "name": "code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The product contained",
                            "name": "ingredient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "powder | tablets | capsule +",
                            "name": "form",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Manufacturer of the item",
                            "name": "manufacturer",
                            "type": "reference"
                    "type": "Medication"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Return administrations with this external identifier",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identify of the individual or group to list administrations for",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Administrations that were not made",
                            "name": "not-given",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Return administrations of this medication resource",
                            "name": "medication",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identity of a prescription to list administrations from",
                            "name": "prescription",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identity of a patient to list administrations  for",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Date administration happened (or did not happen)",
                            "name": "effective-time",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Return administrations with this administration device identity",
                            "name": "device",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "MedicationAdministration event status (for example one of active/paused/completed/nullified)",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "MedicationAdministration"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Returns medication request to be administered on a specific date",
                            "name": "date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Return prescriptions with this external identifier",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Return prescriptions written on this date",
                            "name": "authoredon",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The identity of a patient to list orders  for",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Return prescriptions of this medication reference",
                            "name": "medication",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Returns prescriptions for a specific patient",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Status of the prescription",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "MedicationRequest"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "ok | transient-error | fatal-error",
                            "name": "code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Intended \"real-world\" recipient for the data",
                            "name": "receiver",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The source of the decision",
                            "name": "author",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The actual content of the message",
                            "name": "focus",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Resources resulted from this message",
                            "name": "parsed-content",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of original message",
                            "name": "response-id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code for the event this message represents",
                            "name": "event",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Time that the message was sent",
                            "name": "timestamp",
                            "type": "date"
                    "type": "MessageHeader"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period",
                            "name": "date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The code of the observation type",
                            "name": "code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The subject that the observation is about",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept",
                            "name": "value-concept",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The value of the observation, if the value is a date or period of time",
                            "name": "value-date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The subject that the observation is about (if patient)",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Specimen used for this observation",
                            "name": "specimen",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The value of the observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text",
                            "name": "value-string",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Who performed the observation",
                            "name": "performer",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)",
                            "name": "value-quantity",
                            "type": "quantity"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Encounter related to the observation",
                            "name": "encounter",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "has-member | derived-from | sequel-to | replaces | qualified-by | interfered-by",
                            "name": "related-type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Resource that is related to this one",
                            "name": "related-target",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The classification of the type of observation",
                            "name": "category",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The status of the observation",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "Observation"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Any identifier for the organization (not the accreditation issuer's identifier)",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "An organization of which this organization forms a part",
                            "name": "partof",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A (part of the) address of the organization",
                            "name": "address",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A state specified in an address",
                            "name": "address-state",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text",
                            "name": "active",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A code for the type of organization",
                            "name": "type",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A postal code specified in an address",
                            "name": "address-postalcode",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A portion of the organization's name using some kind of phonetic matching algorithm",
                            "name": "phonetic",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A portion of the organization's name or alias",
                            "name": "name",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A city specified in an address",
                            "name": "address-city",
                            "type": "string"
                    "type": "Organization"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The patient's date of birth",
                            "name": "birthdate",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Gender of the patient",
                            "name": "gender",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "All patients linked to the given patient",
                            "name": "link",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Language code (irrespective of use value)",
                            "name": "language",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The value in any kind of telecom details of the patient",
                            "name": "telecom",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A patient identifier",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A portion of the given name of the patient",
                            "name": "given",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text",
                            "name": "address",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Whether the patient record is active",
                            "name": "active",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text",
                            "name": "name",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A portion of the family name of the patient",
                            "name": "family",
                            "type": "string"
                    "type": "Patient"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A practitioner's Identifier",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A portion of the given name",
                            "name": "given",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text",
                            "name": "address",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A state specified in an address",
                            "name": "address-state",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Gender of the practitioner",
                            "name": "gender",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Whether the practitioner record is active",
                            "name": "active",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A postalCode specified in an address",
                            "name": "address-postalcode",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text",
                            "name": "name",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The value in any kind of contact",
                            "name": "telecom",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A portion of the family name",
                            "name": "family",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A city specified in an address",
                            "name": "address-city",
                            "type": "string"
                    "type": "Practitioner"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
                    "profile": "",
                    "supportedProfile": [
                    "searchInclude": [
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Date/Period the procedure was performed",
                            "name": "date",
                            "type": "date"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A code to identify a  procedure",
                            "name": "code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Search by subject",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Search by encounter",
                            "name": "encounter",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Search by context",
                            "name": "context",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Search by subject - a patient",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                    "type": "Procedure"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "What is being requested/ordered",
                            "name": "code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Requested perfomer",
                            "name": "performer",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Search by subject",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "An encounter in which this request is made",
                            "name": "encounter",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "routine | urgent | asap | stat",
                            "name": "priority",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Search by subject - a patient",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "draft | active | suspended | completed | entered-in-error | cancelled",
                            "name": "status",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "ServiceRequest"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "An Identifier of the RelatedPerson",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the Address, including line, city, state, country, postalCode, and/or text",
                            "name": "address",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Gender of the related person",
                            "name": "gender",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The patient this related person is related to",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A server defined search that may match any of the string fields in the HumanName, including family, give, prefix, suffix, suffix, and/or text",
                            "name": "name",
                            "type": "string"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The value in any kind of contact",
                            "name": "telecom",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "RelatedPerson"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification (or Insert other doco here)"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The unique identifier associated with the specimen",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The subject of the specimen",
                            "name": "subject",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The patient the specimen comes from",
                            "name": "patient",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The accession number associated with the specimen",
                            "name": "accession",
                            "type": "token"
                    "type": "Specimen"
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "profile": "",
                    "searchParam": [
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                            "name": "source_id",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                            "name": "source_doc",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                            "name": "datamart",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Unique identifier for the substance",
                            "name": "identifier",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "The code of the substance or ingredient",
                            "name": "code",
                            "type": "token"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Amount of substance in the package",
                            "name": "quantity",
                            "type": "quantity"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "A component of the substance",
                            "name": "substance-reference",
                            "type": "reference"
                            "definition": "",
                            "documentation": "Expiry date of package or container of substance",
                            "name": "expiry",
                            "type": "date"
                    "type": "Substance"
                    "type": "Task",
                    "profile": "",
                    "interaction": [
                            "code": "read",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                            "code": "search-type",
                            "documentation": "Implemented per the specification"
                    "searchParam": [
                            "name": "requester",
                            "definition": "",
                            "type": "reference",
                            "documentation": "Search by task requester"
                            "name": "code",
                            "definition": "",
                            "type": "token",
                            "documentation": "Search by task code"
                            "name": "status",
                            "definition": "",
                            "type": "token",
                            "documentation": "Search by task status"
                            "name": "organization",
                            "definition": "",
                            "type": "reference",
                            "documentation": "Search by responsible organization"
                            "name": "subject",
                            "definition": "",
                            "type": "reference",
                            "documentation": "Search by subject"
                            "name": "modified",
                            "definition": "",
                            "type": "date",
                            "documentation": "Search by last modification date"
            "searchParam": [
                    "definition": "",
                    "documentation": "Code that identifies the source organization",
                    "name": "source_id",
                    "type": "token"
                    "definition": "",
                    "documentation": "Id of the source document (MessageHeader/id or DocumentReferece/id)",
                    "name": "source_doc",
                    "type": "reference"
                    "definition": "",
                    "documentation": "Boolean value to filter for datamart resources",
                    "name": "datamart",
                    "type": "token"
                    "definition": "",
                    "documentation": "Logical id of this artifact",
                    "name": "_id",
                    "type": "token"
            "security": {
                "cors": false,
                "description": "This is the Capability Statement to declare that the server supports SMART-on-FHIR. See the SMART-on-FHIR docs for the extension that would go with such a server",
                "service": [
                        "coding": [
                                "code": "Certificates",
                                "display": "SSL where client must have a certificate registered with the server.",
                                "system": ""
                        "text": "SSL where client must have a certificate registered with the server."
                        "coding": [
                                "system": "",
                                "code": "SMART-on-FHIR"
                        "text": "OAuth2 using SMART-on-FHIR profile (see"
                "extension": [
                        "extension": [
                                "url": "token",
                                "valueUri": "{{BaseURL}}/token"
                                "url": "authorize",
                                "valueUri": "{{BaseURL}}/authorize"
                                "url": "introspect",
                                "valueUri": "{{BaseURL}}/introspect"
                        "url": ""
    "software": {
        "name": "NXT"
    "status": "active",
    "text": {
        "div": "<div xmlns=\"\"><h2>NXT API FHIR Capability Statement</h2></div>",
        "status": "generated"
    "version": "1.0.0"

Standalone Launch

The Standalone app launch is supported for patient and provider applications. Applications need to use the 3-legged O-auth flow for authorization.

For a given BaseURL, Standalone applications can use the well-known smart configuration/capability statement to discover the authorize and token endpoint.

Supported Scopes for standalone launch (Patient apps)

  • openid
  • fhirUser
  • offline_access
  • launch/patient
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/

Authorize Request

Method: GET

Query Params

Param Value Description
response_type code The response type
client_id {{ClientId}} Application’s Client Id
redirect_uri {{RedirectURI}} Application’s Redirect URI
scope {{Scope}} Permissions requested
state 12345 An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback
aud {{Audience}} FHIR Base URL (This is the same as the ‘iss’ parameter in the launch sequence)


Authorize Request
 GET {{BaseURL}}/authorize?response_type=code&client_id={{ClientId}}&redirect_uri={{RedirectURI}}&scope={{Scope}}&state=12345&aud={{Audience}}

302 - Found

No response body

Authorization Code From Redirect URI

Method: GET

Query Params

Param Value Description
code {{AuthorizationCode}} The authorization code generated by the authorization server
state 12345 The exact value received from the client.


Authorization Code From Redirect URI
 GET {{RedirectURI}}?code={{AuthorizationCode}}&state=12345

200 - OK

No response body


Token Endpoint Response Parameters
Parameter Optionality Description
access_token Required access token used to retrieve FHIR resources
token_type Required will always be Bearer
expires_in Required will always be 300 seconds
scope Required permissions granted
id_token Optional included if open_id and fhir_user scopes are granted
refresh_token Optional included if offline_access scope is granted
patient Optional included if launch/patient scope is granted
smart_style_url Optional string URL where the EHR’s style parameters can be retrieved
need_patient_banner Optional will always be true
Method: POST

Body (urlencoded)

Param Value Description Type
grant_type authorization_code Type of O-auth grant text
code {{AuthorizationCode}} The authorization code generated by the authorization server text
Client_id {{ClientId}} Application’s Client Id text
Client_Secret {{ClientSecret}} Application’s Client Secret text
Redirect_URi {{RedirectURI}} Application’s Redirect Uri text


Token Response
 POST {{BaseURL}}/token

200 - OK


Param Value Description Type
Content-Type application/json   text


  "access_token": "{{AccessToken}}",
  "refresh_token": "{{RefreshToken}}",
  "id_token": "{{IdToken}}",
  "scope": "{{Scope}}",
  "expires_in": 300,
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "patient": {{PPG}},


EHR launch

Practice Fusion has support for the EHR app launch. Applications that fall under this category must provide a launch URL during app registration and must be approved to use the ‘launch’ scope.

EHR Launch Sequence

For a given application, the launch sequence is initiated by the authorizing user inside the EHR that redirects the browser to the app’s registered launch URL and passes the launch context and issuer. Using the issuer, the application is able to get the well-known smart configuration and discover the Authorize and token endpoints of the FHIR base URL, thus initiating the 3-legged O-auth workflow.

Supported Scopes for EHR launch (provider apps)

  • openid
  • fhirUser
  • offline_access
  • launch
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/

EHR launch

Method: GET

Query Params

Param Value Description
launch 123 Opaque identifier for this specific launch, and any EHR context associated with it. This parameter must be communicated back to the EHR at authorization time by passing along a launch parameter
iss {{BaseURL}} Identifies the EHR’s FHIR endpoint, which the app can use to obtain additional details about the EHR, including its authorization URL


EHR launch
 GET {{LaunchURI}}?launch=123&iss={{BaseURL}}

200 - OK

No response body

Authorize Request

Method: GET

Query Params

Param Value Description
response_type code Should Always be code
client_id {{ClientId}} Application’s Client Id
redirect_uri {{RedirectURI}} Application’s Redirect Uri
scope {{Scope}} Permissions requested (‘Launch’ scope is required in the authorize request)
state 12345 An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback
aud {{Audience}} FHIR Base URL (This is the same as the ‘iss’ parameter in the launch sequence)
launch 123 This must match the launch value received from the EHR


Authorize Request
 GET {{BaseURL}}/authorize?response_type=code&client_id={{ClientId}}&redirect_uri={{RedirectURI}}&scope={{Scope}}&state=12345&aud={{Audience}}&launch=123

302 - Found

No response body

Authorization Code From Redirect URI

Method: GET

Query Params

Param Value Description
code {{AuthorizationCode}} The authorization code generated by the authorization server
state 12345 The exact value received from the client.


Authorization Code From Redirect URI
 GET {{RedirectURI}}?code={{AuthorizationCode}}&state=12345

No response body


Token Endpoint Response Parameters

Parameter Optionality Description
access_token Required Access token used to retrieve FHIR resources
token_type Required Will always be Bearer
expires_in Required Will always be 300 seconds
scope Required Permissions granted
id_token Optional Included if openid and fhiruser scopes are granted
refresh_token Optional included if offline_access scope is granted
patient Required Patient Context provided during launch sequence
smart_style_url Optional  
need_patient_banner Optional Will always be true
Method: POST

Body (urlencoded)

Param Value Description Type
grant_type authorization_code Type of O-auth grant text
code {{AuthorizationCode}} The authorization code generated by the authorization server text
Client_Id {{ClientId}} Application’s Client Id text
Client_Secret {{ClientSecret}} Application’s Client Secret text
Redirect_URI {{RedirectURI}} Application’s Redirect Uri text

Authentication noauth


Token Response
 POST {{BaseURL}}/token

200 - OK


Param Value Description Type
Content-Type application/json   text


  "access_token": "{{AccessToken}}",
  "refresh_token": "{{RefreshToken}}",
  "id_token": "{{IdToken}}",
  "scope": "{{Scope}}",
  "expires_in": 300,
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "patient": {{PPG}},


System Apps

Practice Fusion supports the 2-legged O-auth workflow for system clients to generate an access token using the ‘Client Credentials’ grant_type.

System applications need to provide a JWKS URL during the app registration process. This URL communicates the TLS-protected endpoint where the client’s public JWK Set can be found.

Accessing FHIR resources

Obtaining an Access Token

For a given BaseURL, system applications can use the well-known smart configuration to discover the token endpoint.

Note: The practice needs to authorize system applications in the EHR before the applications can begin requesting access tokens for retrieving FHIR resources of the practice. System applications can only request scopes that have been authorized by the EHR user

Request an Access Token

Create a client assertion. A client assertion is a JWT that has the following:

  • Headers:
Parameters Optionality Description
alg Required JWA algorithm (e.g., RS384, ES384) used for signing the authentication JWT
kid Required identifier of the key pair used to sign this JWT; this identifier SHALL be unique within the client’s JWK Set
typ Required Fixed value: JWT
jku Optional TLS-protected URL to the JWK Set containing the public key(s) accessible without authentication or authorization. When present, this SHALL match the JWKS URL value that the client supplied to the FHIR authorization server at client registration time. When absent, the FHIR authorization server SHOULD fall back on the JWK Set URL or the JWK Set supplied at registration time. See Signature Verification for details.
  • Claims:
Parameters Optionality Description
iss Required Issuer of the JWT – the client’s client_id
sub Required Same as above
aud Required FHIR Base URL’s Token Endpoint
exp Required Expiration time integer for this authentication JWT, expressed in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC - should not be > 300 seconds in the future
jti Required A nonce string value that uniquely identifies this authentication JWT.

Supported scopes for system applications: -

  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/
  • system/


Token Response Parameters:

Parameter Optionality Description
Access_token Required Access Token issued by the authorization server
token_type Required Will always be Bearer
Expires_in Required Duration in seconds.
scopes Required Permissions Granted
Method: POST

Body (urlencoded)

Param Value Description Type
grant_type client_credentials undefined text
scope {{Scope}} undefined text
client_assertion_type urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer undefined text
client_assertion {{JWT}} undefined text


Token Response
 POST {{BaseURL}}/token

200 - OK


Param Value Description Type
Content-Type application/json   text


    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "scope": "{{Scope}}",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "access_token": "{{AccessToken}}"

FHIR Resources

FHIR resources return USCDI V1 data classes and elements and are implemented using US Core v3.1.1 Profiles

FHIR Resources USCI Data Classes (V1) USCDI Data Elements US Core Profiles v3.1.1
AllergyIntolerance Allergies and Intolerances
Substance (Medication)
Substance (Drug Class)
CarePlan Assessment and Plan of Treatment Assessment and Plan of Treatment CarePlan
CareTeam Care Team Member(s) Care Team Member(s) CareTeam
Condition Health Concerns
Health Concerns
Device Unique Device Identifier(s) for a Patient’s Implantable Device(s) Unique Device Identifier(s) for a Patient’s Implantable Device(s) ImplantableDevice
DiagnosticReport Laboratory
Clinical Notes
Imaging Narrative
Pathology Report Narrative
Laboratory Report Narrative
Procedure Note
Laboratory Result Observation
DocumentReference Clinical Notes Consultation Note
Discharge Summary Note
History & Physical
Progress Note
Imaging Narrative
Pathology Report Narrative
Laboratory Report Narrative
Procedure Note
Encounter N/A N/A Encounter
Goal Goals Patient Goals Goal
Immunization Immunizations Immunizations Immunization
MedicationRequest Medications Medications MedicationRequest
Observation Laboratory
Smoking Status
Vital Signs
Smoking Status
Systolic blood pressure
Diastolic blood pressure
Heart Rate
Respiratory rate
Body Temperature
Body height
Body weight
Pulse oximetry
Inhaled oxygen concentration
BMI Percentile (2 - 20 years)
Weight-for-length Percentile (Birth - 36 Months)
Head Occipital-frontal Circumference Percentile (Birth - 36 Months)
Laboratory Result Observation
Smoking Status Observation
Pediatric BMI for Age Observation
Pediatric Head Occipital-frontal Circumference Percentile
Pediatric Weight for Height Observation
Pulse Oximetry
Vital Signs
Organization N/A N/A Organization
Patient Patient Demographics/Information First Name
Last Name
Middle Name (including middle initial)
Previous Name
Date of Birth
Sex(Assigned at Birth)
Preferred Language
Current Address
Previous Address
Phone Number
Phone Number Type
Email Address
Practitioner N/A N/A Practitioner
Procedure Procedures Procedures Procedure
Provenance Provenance Author Time Stamp
Author Organization


Resource Content

Name Type Cardinality Description
identifier Identifier 0..* external ids for this item
clinicalStatus CodeableConcept 0..1 active
verificationStatus CodeableConcept 1..1 unconfirmed
type code 0..1 allergy
category code 0..* food
criticality code 0..1 low
code CodeableConcept 1..1 code that identifies the allergy or intolerance - ValueSet
patient Reference 1..1 who the sensitivity is for
encounter Reference 0..1 encounter when the allergy or intolerance was asserted. When allergy or intolerance was identified
onsetDateTime dateTime 0..1 when allergy or intolerance was identified
onsetAge Age 0..1 when allergy or intolerance was identified
onsetPeriod Period 0..1 when allergy or intolerance was identified
onsetRange Range 0..1 when allergy or intolerance was identified
onsetString string 0..1 when allergy or intolerance was identified
recordedDate dateTime 0..1 date first version of the resource instance was recorded
recorder Reference 0..1 who recorded the sensitivity
asserter Reference 0..1 source of the information about the allergy
lastOccurrence dateTime 0..1 date(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction
note Annotation 0..* additional text not captured in other fields
reaction BackboneElement 0..* adverse Reaction Events linked to exposure to substance
reaction.manifestation CodeableConcept 1..* ValueSet

Search Parameters

Name Type Description
severity token mild
date date date record was believed accurate
manifestation token clinical symptoms/signs associated with the Event
recorder reference who recorded the sensitivity
code token code that identifies the allergy or intolerance
verification-status token unconfirmed
clinical-status token active
patient reference who the sensitivity is for
_include   AllergyIntolerance:recorder
_revinclude   Provenance:target


Code Description
400 Invalid parameters
404 Resource not found


Method: GET


Using identifier
 GET {{BaseURL}}/AllergyIntolerance/{{ResourceId}}

200 - OK


Param Value Description Type
Content-Type application/json   text


  "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
  "id": "{{ResourceId}}",
  "meta": {
    "versionId": "1",
    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-23T19:36:29.300+00:00",
    "source": "#iLFSV7OLv0KF8dmQ",
    "profile": [
  "clinicalStatus": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "active"
  "verificationStatus": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "confirmed"
  "type": "allergy",
  "category": [
  "criticality": "low",
  "code": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "300913006",
        "display": "Shellfish allergy"
    "text": "Shellfish allergy"
  "patient": {
    "reference": "Patient/{{PPG}}"
  "recordedDate": "1941-10-14T18:33:18-05:00"
Using search parameters
 GET {{BaseURL}}/AllergyIntolerance?patient={{PPG}}

200 - OK


Param Value Description Type
Content-Type application/json   text


    "resourceType": "Bundle",
    "id": "c6819f53-10bf-4615-b0af-5ee5b8f7f1ae",
    "meta": {
        "lastUpdated": "2022-11-04T16:03:39.913+00:00"
    "type": "searchset",
    "total": 10,
    "link": [
            "relation": "self",
            "url": "{{BaseURL}}/AllergyIntolerance?patient={{PPG}}"
    "entry": [
            "fullUrl": "{{BaseURL}}/AllergyIntolerance/{{ResourceId}}",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
                "id": "{{ResourceId}}",
                "meta": {
                    "versionId": "1",
                    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-23T19:36:29.300+00:00",
                    "source": "#iLFSV7OLv0KF8dmQ",
                    "profile": [
                "clinicalStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "active"
                "verificationStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "confirmed"
                "type": "allergy",
                "category": [
                "criticality": "low",
                "code": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "300913006",
                            "display": "Shellfish allergy"
                    "text": "Shellfish allergy"
                "patient": {
                    "reference": "Patient/{{PPG}}"
                "recordedDate": "1941-10-14T18:33:18-05:00"
            "search": {
                "mode": "match"
            "fullUrl": "{{BaseURL}}/AllergyIntolerance/389",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
                "id": "389",
                "meta": {
                    "versionId": "1",
                    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-23T19:36:29.300+00:00",
                    "source": "#iLFSV7OLv0KF8dmQ",
                    "profile": [
                "clinicalStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "active"
                "verificationStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "confirmed"
                "type": "allergy",
                "category": [
                "criticality": "low",
                "code": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "418689008",
                            "display": "Allergy to grass pollen"
                    "text": "Allergy to grass pollen"
                "patient": {
                    "reference": "Patient/{{PPG}}"
                "recordedDate": "1941-10-14T18:33:18-05:00"
            "search": {
                "mode": "match"
            "fullUrl": "{{BaseURL}}/AllergyIntolerance/394",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
                "id": "394",
                "meta": {
                    "versionId": "1",
                    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-23T19:36:29.300+00:00",
                    "source": "#iLFSV7OLv0KF8dmQ",
                    "profile": [
                "clinicalStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "active"
                "verificationStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "confirmed"
                "type": "allergy",
                "category": [
                "criticality": "low",
                "code": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "91935009",
                            "display": "Allergy to peanuts"
                    "text": "Allergy to peanuts"
                "patient": {
                    "reference": "Patient/{{PPG}}"
                "recordedDate": "1941-10-14T18:33:18-05:00"
            "search": {
                "mode": "match"
            "fullUrl": "{{BaseURL}}/AllergyIntolerance/391",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
                "id": "391",
                "meta": {
                    "versionId": "1",
                    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-23T19:36:29.300+00:00",
                    "source": "#iLFSV7OLv0KF8dmQ",
                    "profile": [
                "clinicalStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "inactive"
                "verificationStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "confirmed"
                "type": "allergy",
                "category": [
                "criticality": "low",
                "code": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "714035009",
                            "display": "Allergy to soya"
                    "text": "Allergy to soya"
                "patient": {
                    "reference": "Patient/{{PPG}}"
                "recordedDate": "1941-10-14T18:33:18-05:00"
            "search": {
                "mode": "match"
            "fullUrl": "{{BaseURL}}/AllergyIntolerance/386",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
                "id": "386",
                "meta": {
                    "versionId": "1",
                    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-23T19:36:29.300+00:00",
                    "source": "#iLFSV7OLv0KF8dmQ",
                    "profile": [
                "clinicalStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "active"
                "verificationStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "confirmed"
                "type": "allergy",
                "category": [
                "criticality": "low",
                "code": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "419474003",
                            "display": "Allergy to mould"
                    "text": "Allergy to mould"
                "patient": {
                    "reference": "Patient/{{PPG}}"
                "recordedDate": "1941-10-14T18:33:18-05:00"
            "search": {
                "mode": "match"
            "fullUrl": "{{BaseURL}}/AllergyIntolerance/385",
            "resource": {
                "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance",
                "id": "385",
                "meta": {
                    "versionId": "1",
                    "lastUpdated": "2021-03-23T19:36:29.300+00:00",
                    "source": "#iLFSV7OLv0KF8dmQ",
                    "profile": [
                "clinicalStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "inactive"
                "verificationStatus": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "confirmed"
                "type": "allergy",
                "category": [
                "criticality": "low",
                "code": {
                    "coding": [
                            "system": "",
                            "code": "300916003",
                            "display": "Latex allergy"
                    "text": "Latex allergy"
                "patient": {
                    "reference": "Patient/{{PPG}}"
                "recordedDate": "1941-10-14T18:33:18-05:00",
                "reaction": [
                        "manifestation": [
                                "coding": [
                                        "system": "",
                                        "code": "271807003",
                                        "display": "skin rash"
                                "text": "skin rash"