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  • Contributing Writer · August 29, 2011

    Hospital Medical Coding in the Health IT Age

    As the 2013 ICD-10 deadline looms, the need to abstract almost 20,000 diagnosis codes – a complex undertaking already - will soon become a labyrinth of over 150,000 codes. This would be significant enough to make any hospital take notice, without the additional squeeze on...


  • Contributing Writer · August 25, 2011

    Practice Fusion Connect - Then and Now

    Last November was Practice Fusion’s first-ever user conference — a huge success and milestone in Practice Fusion history. The event was a mix of keynote speeches, exciting EHR feature launches, educational breakout sessions, and much more. We announced our 5 million patient milestone and we...


  • Contributing Writer · August 22, 2011

    Take Meaningful Use Action: Check Drug Interaction Settings

    It is very easy to fulfill the drug interaction check requirement for Meaningful Use. Practice Fusion enables drug-drug and drug allergy alerts by default. As long as these alerts are enabled for the entirety of your 90 day Meaningful Use reporting period, you fulfill this...


  • Contributing Writer · August 18, 2011

    Health Innovators at Practice Fusion Connect

    Practice Fusion Connect 2011 is just 12 weeks away and the team is working feverishly to create an experience that will have you bursting to tell everyone what you heard and who you saw when you return home. We’re hand picking speakers that will give...


  • Contributing Writer · August 16, 2011

    Do we really need universal patient identifiers?

    A person’s health picture is a fragmented, broken mirror, when you look across our archaic paper-based landscape. According to a survey we did last year, patients recall seeing over 19 different physicians in their lifetime, underscoring the reality that each place where health data is...
